
Earth fission: a new copy of a brief Raiders Zul'Gurub

  Zul'Gurub Brief Guide:
ZG note that pot, green = poison pot, after eating can reduce wow gold your damage 90% of the natural, white = ice pan, you can instantly create a monster 80% damage and freezing;
Red = hot pot, around six yards per second for the monsters cause AOE damage, but they themselves would be harmed;
ZG old one, the connection will have to run good, (connection, name the two people ... ... ... ... Queen of the ICC is different is that this connection to two people from the farther the better, pay attention to promising ground running when the green line, do not run to someone's place, when you connect the explosion will follow you around someone with DOT) to interrupt a good BOSS whisper whisper, pay attention to the Green Line and poison the ground ring, do not stand up, BOSS big move When running a good track.
Added: BOSS into a snake shape the future in a reading skills of Breath, Breath of the time when he is not moving, please come to the side of the tank, DPS, please come to the other side, then the end will turn to look after tank, when he read the article again Breath, when in exchange for the original location, and so on, in the reading of the time we can change locations. BOSS has not moved at that time.
Old 2, DPS bloodthirsty pumping BOSS, Ogan (bone Raptor) resurrection DPS seconds off the first time, was the waiting soul to save the charge spike, if the assault dead priest, the first time point out the Angels and other saved, Taiwanservice when there is seemingly BUG, ​​sometimes revive you but you did not point out the angels, the resurrection will not prompt attention to good hiding BOSS fan AOE skills (on the ground there will be animation, it is easy to distinguish).
Archaeological BOSS: what to put hide anything, never stand near the output BOSS treatment.
Leopard woman: ZG most difficult of the BOSS, the test treatment and the strength of the tank, suggested pulling BOSS, a wave of mobs wave of mobs to wow gold open all Xiaobao destroyed in the fighting BOSS.
Distribution of attention dedicated interrupted guidance skills, and treatment of all DPS ran a good wind wall, Xiaobao finished killing the bloodthirsty press down.
Jill Chan: Using the above-mentioned three-pot, BOSS if you call big, all the DPS emergency fire out, eating ice to a remote pan, then quickly destroyed.
If it is called zombies, looking for tanks and melee to eat fire, and pull together BOSS A, Poison damage if it is to eat poison pot full screen, hide all pay attention to the front of a straight line BOSS flame.
Kim: If you bring three melee, then do not play the completed properly, and if you take two melee, then the only remaining long-range, do not participate in anything else, peace of mind cleared soul on it, priority clean-up treatment around, if you bring two long-range, it is still a priority to help clean up the soul to fight chains.
Kim Zug's keep off as BOSS, the design is very successful, as a 5H, BOSS play classic degree and the king of the end of mine died, the design is the color, detail about the play.
Xiaoguai: Whether you choose which side to Kim on the table, please ... ... the other side of the big fat also kill, followed by useful, remember.
P1: Kim will open a green hood, standing on the green cover which will make your damage by 90%, but the same casting speed reduced 90%, BOSS on their own time to time give a BUFF, to make his melee attacks trigger chain lightning groups, injury is very, very high, there needs to tank note that if a green circle, the first time is it out, but not too far, see Kim lightning around the whole body, all into the green circle, tanks to Kim Tan Green outsiders in their own standing in green circles, the BUFF Kim who disappeared and then pull out to continue, and so on into the P2.
P2: Kim will all banished to another plane, the player will see the haka of the chains binding the soul to be three, and the chain out of invincible status, immune to all damage effects, players need to do is to break the three chainsput haka freedom.
Play, remote DPS cleared ghost, hide the white circle on the ground a good AOE skill, good hiding huge shadow arrows, go to the following table on the tank pulled a fat, chain of friends to the next, all set in the chain next to the fathave named skills and then find a player named to jump in front of him and repulsed AOE damage caused, if named, then the player standing on the edge of the chain then jump off the chains of the damage will be offset invincible state, then take the fat Tanke La their single point out, the other DPS, RUSH out chains, continue to clean the soul, (not recommended for cleaning up the soul melee hit, damage is too high) ...
A fat man to die, step, and then the other side of the tank to pull the fat man, pulled the chain while standing, fat man named, broken chains invincible, destroy the chain, and so on, the three chains are destroyed, even if had lost the BOSS haka from the shackles can directly kill Kim LOOT, and Zul'Gurub end.
Zul'Gurub tips:
1: Wash the pot with ice, hit the mobs will be miraculous: ZG 1.17 million of the mobs are basically the blood, a pot of ice would be 80% of the damage caused by mobs, save time and effort.
2:1, BOSS before the two big, open fire out after a marked urgent, you can pull the edge of the pot drugs, eating poisonous anti-pot can also be pulled aside to hide a good Breath. Mobs will have a reading skills, can poison your body disperse pot BUFF, BUFF gone to eat again.
一号 BOSS will paint a green circle, do not step on the green circle on ... will not hurt, but do not think the green circle dance, the show still has years of hurt.
When the start and track, where the Green Line is not around to run, it can not afford, and refrigerator top off, top off the cape, the treatment recommended, it can not escape the go, the lower left and lower right corner, that place is basically tracking That is not to go, even if it ... ... go where there is relatively large, step on a poison on the step with it, stronger than death, is not it.
3: The original brush where Tiger now has a huge void fat, destroyed it, will be out of a crystal.
4 mobs before the first female leopard kill those who drink blood, AOE attention interrupt, it will suck blood.
5 Chan Jill ice in front of a pot, a person eating a go-ahead run to Kim on the stage (ah, that's the Haka before the table) in front of the two mobs, one rejection a prompt skills, these two small Basic will not be frozen strange, but there will be the real deal 80% of life being destroyed.
6 If Kim destroy missions, from the 1st BOSS left in front of the bridge there is a bridge, a direct punch in the past, the bridge has a fat, do not control, direct red, on the haka will be off the table battle.
7: Treatment and DPS fight with Kim, when more control and skill to avoid injury, if the soul too, ice ring, hair, cream of the ring, the water element, very cold (so you see the Master is IMBA).
If too many mobs treatment, invincible knight, SM succulent, and open a tied TT, call earth element of fire, priest fade good CD to use, XD ground bark.
8: Brush Crystal's shoes, into the original Tiger territory, the left has a huge table, please leave it empty fat location of the wall behind the table, and then playing, fat will fear, fear of the mobs if you pile bad, and easy to destroy missions, do not kill the place, it is to find wow gold off the net, then, DPS, do not AOE, if pulled neutral trolls, the trolls please destroy neutral, neutral Troll Blood not high, damage is not high, but will let you have three seconds of blinding, and no decrease, if the treatment is a lot of trouble in the matter, it is recommended that tank, or leave the table after not kill trolls the most secure.

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